Projeto Residencial
3D archviz with day and night, indoor and outdoor views. Vegetation and relief identical to the original site. The 3D digital mockup allows the customer to choose from a variety of materials, colors, furniture and finishes during the design process, reducing costs and margin of error during home construction.
Maquete digital 3d. 3D digital mockup with day and night, indoor and outdoor views. Vegetation and relief identical to the original site. The 3D digital mockup allows the customer to choose from a variety of materials, colors, furniture and finishes during the design process, reducing costs and margin of error during home construction. Animação 3D, computação gráfica, efeitos especiais, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Criação de Site, desenvolvimento de site, identidade visual, criação de logomarca, realidade virtual. Renderização 3D, Vray, HDRI, motion capture, render, fullhd, 4k, empresas de arquitetura, empresa de maquete eletrônica, bipede, realistic render, 3d model, modelo 3d, planta humanizada. A gente é da Terra, mas faz coisas de outro mundo.3D animation, computer graphics, special effects, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Website Creation, website development, visual identity, logo creation, virtual reality. 3D rendering, Vray, HDRI, motion capture, render, fullhd, 4k, architecture companies, electronic mockup company, bipede, realistic render, 3d model, 3d model, humanized plant. Terramidia. Veja mais em Terramidia. Para conhecer mais sobre meu trabalho, visite
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